Alex Pina

"There was this amazement from other organizations: 'You did what?! How much?!' And Pennington was absolutely the catalyst."

Alex Pina | House Corporation President

Delta Tau Delta - MIT

Nikki Comstock Johnson

"The Pennington & Company team is amazing to work with. 彭宁顿坚定不移的支持让我们的竞选委员会感到舒适和自信, which is a great morale booster and has certainly contributed to our overall success."

Nikki Comstock Johnson | Delta Beta House Corporation President

Delta Gamma - University of Kentucky


“看到这样的影响和轻松,我们不仅能够迅速实现我们的目标,这是令人兴奋的, but exceed it by more than 50%! This is a testament to the support we've had from Pennington, and we attribute it to the success and benefit of our long term relationship with them."

Val Lawlor | Honorary Chair, Sisterhood Begins at Home Campaign

Alpha Phi - University of Missouri


"Without Pennington, I don't think it would have worked to put it bluntly. Aaron Forehand was a phenomenal leader, and Ginny Brown was the best consultant I've ever worked with. They stimulated the whole process and reconnected the chapter to a lot of alumni."

Howard Strickler | Alumni Board President

Alpha Delta Phi - University of Washington


"We couldn’t be happier with the work that Pennington & 公司代表密西西比大学Kappa Delta的Alpha Mu分会做的. Our capital campaign successfully raised over $2.1 million, making it one of the most successful for a women’s group. 如果没有我们的竞选顾问的奉献和热情,这一切是不可能实现的.

We were also so pleased with the campaign publications designed for our chapter. Pennington did a phenomenal job with our capital campaign brochure and stationery, alumnae newsletters, and campaign emails. Since our campaign ended, 我们继续与彭宁顿建立联系,为我们的校友提供最新的分会新闻和活动.

我们的志愿者组织没有能力进行如此大规模的筹款活动,如果没有彭宁顿的帮助,我们的新房子也不会成为现实. I’m happy to recommend Pennington to any group considering a fundraising project. 保留彭宁顿是我们做出的最好的决定之一,这样我们就可以为我们450多名会员提供这样一个美丽的家."

Whitney Byars | Housing Operations Manager

Kappa Delta Sorority


“我们开始了600万美元的筹款活动,为俄克拉荷马州立大学Chi Omega的Tau Beta分会建造新房子, 潘宁顿公司(Pennington and Company)的杰奎·卡斯纳(jacquee Kasner)邀请我担任该活动的联合主席之一. 杰奎和彭宁顿的整个团队带领我们完成了筹集这笔巨额资金的过程.  

We celebrated our 100th birthday at Tau Beta in 2020. 我们给分会的生日礼物是为会员们建造一个未来100年的新家. Through the amazing support of volunteers, organized and nurtured by Pennington, and because of their continuous sharing of information, data, and encouragement, our chapter embraced the project fully and to fruition. 

Without the experience, the knowledge, and the grace of Jacquie Kasner and the Pennington team of experts, this goal may have been insurmountable. But with them as a part of our team, 我们将在一个美丽的新家破土动工,庆祝两国又一个百年姐妹情谊. Thank you, Pennington and Company. "

Cathy Ebert Jameson | Campaign Co-Chairman

Chi Omega - Oklahoma State University

Stephen Farr400x400

“由于受人尊敬的校友领袖的参与,密西西比Theta已经超过了我们最初的筹款目标, rolled up their sleeves, and are passionate for our success. Pennington was absolutely critical to this success. What is amazing is that we broke ground on construction within almost 20 months of engaging Pennington; no one outside of the original committee thought that would be possible, but we stayed focused, organized, and accountable to each other thanks to the guidance received from the Pennington team."

Stephen Farr | Campaign Chairman

Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Mississippi State University


“如果没有Pennington的专业知识,我们的房屋公司不可能成功完成600多万美元的分会房屋翻新工程.  Pre-campaign, Pennington’s vast experience and insights helped identify the right leadership, volunteers and target donors. They kept us focused throughout our campaign and supported our post campaign follow-up. 彭宁顿为我们的会员制定了一项专门的沟通计划,并帮助我们以有意义和创造性的方式与捐助者取得联系. No matter how well organized  your group may be, 现实情况是,如果没有专业人员的帮助,志愿者根本没有足够的带宽来完成一项适当的活动. Pennington & Company was an essential ingredient in our success."

Steve Nieslawski | Campaign Board Member

Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity

Charles Sartain

"We are thrilled with the job Maribeth Broussard has done for us. 面对不感兴趣和怀疑的校友和一些不太热情的委员会成员,她无畏的坚持, her good nature, 加上她对我们和我们项目的热情,我相信这次竞选一定会成功. When we didn’t reach our goal at the end of the quiet campaign, she convinced us to go another two months, which resulted in a $100,000 improvement in the effort. She helped us do all of that in the face of COVID and, in the Louisiana and Texas oil patch where most of our alums live and work, falling commodity prices and economic disruption."

Charles Sartain | Campaign Chairman

Acacia - Louisiana State University



Amy Jo Gabel | Senior Director of Housing

Alpha Chi Omega National House Corporation

Sarah Gober

 "The level of dedication, organization, 艾迪生·里德和彭宁顿工作人员所表现出的专业精神是我们资本竞选成功的驱动力. Even during COVID-19, Addison kept our volunteers focused and helped us achieve our goals. I would recommend Pennington & Company to any organization."

Sarah Brooke Gober Bishop | Alumnae Advisory Committee Chairman

Pi Beta Phi - University of Mississippi

“根据我们的经验,在进行资本活动之前,有效的校友沟通绝对是至关重要的. 在我们与彭宁顿签约处理所有校友联络之前,我们的筹款能力一直处于停滞状态. 我们的校友关系项目和活动使我们的校友重新回到活跃的分会,并与他们的同龄人联系在一起. 自从我们开始这个项目以来,我们平均每年筹集3.5万美元,目前已经筹集了3万多美元.2 million in back-to-back campaigns over a six-year period. I encourage you to sign on with some real pros. It is money well spent.”

Craig M. Tucker | Board of Trustees Chairman

Sigma Alpha Epsilon - University of Oklahoma


"I believe that without a doubt Pennington & Company is the reason we were able to succeed in our endeavors. From the feasibility study to the brochure creation and donor solicitations, the dedicated and focused work of Katie Kennedy, our campaign consultant, and the Pennington & Company teams allowed the board to succeed when many of its members had no previous capital campaign experience. Beyond the tools of the trade, 最令人印象深刻的是,该公司非常了解自己的业务,以至于我们可以在疫情期间调整战略,仍然实现我们的财务目标.  

In a year unlike any other, working to raise funds in a tumultuous time, 凯蒂表明,她是一个精通筹款策略和技巧的完美商业专业人士,可以适应我们一起度过疫情的每个月. Beyond her clearly defined recommendations for outreach and solicitation, she showed herself to be a woman with a high level of considerate sense, 哪些东西是教不来的,而是真正对自己的专业技能充满信心的人能感受到的,同时也相信自己的工作价值. Treating the volunteers, board members, donors, and prospective contributors with a genuine and endearing level of compassion and kindness, Katie presented herself as a true extension of our sisterhood, and that element led to our fundraising success. Our strengthened sisterhood in 2020 amidst all other things is a bright spot. We will forever be thankful that we chose Pennington & 公司领导这次活动,因为他们确保了我们的成功,进一步推动了我们为这一章创造的遗产."

Kristen Brunkow O’Shea | Alpha Eta Building Association President

Alpha Delta Pi - Kansas State University


“The entire staff at Pennington was great to work with and made our campaign a success. 他们经过验证的流程正是让志愿者委员会保持正轨所需的“推动力”. Their advice to our board was spot on from the feasibility study through the campaign. 如果没有彭宁顿,我不会尝试这样一个雄心勃勃的项目,并强烈推荐他们给我的朋友在其他章节.”

John T. Murdock | House Corporation President

Pi Kappa Alpha - University of Alabama


"Pennington really knows what they are doing when it comes to fraternal fundraising! Their methodology is sound and tested. They are professional in every way. The reaction of our alumni base was beyond expectation. The relationship with Pennington and especially our consultant was marvelous. Our success was way beyond our expectations."

Bob Seidell | Campaign Chairman

Sigma Chi - University of Nebraska-Lincoln


“Pennington & Company brings a level of professionalism and personalized service to a campaign. In the 1990s, in honor of our chapter’s 75th anniversary, 我在没有专业公司的情况下为密西西比大学校园中心的Phi Mu喷泉筹款,这比我想象的要困难得多. When we hired Pennington for our house campaign, 我们的顾问的参与程度以及他们提供的工作和旅行水平令人惊讶. 我已经推荐了更多的Phi Mu团体使用Pennington的服务,因为它使流程变得更加简单.”

Shellye McCarty | Past Phi Mu Foundation President

Phi Mu - University of Mississippi


“People ask me how we were able to exceed our $500,000 goal during the worst recession in 60 years, and I never hesitate to say, without Pennington & Co., we would not have been successful. 我们一致认为,如果没有彭宁顿的帮助,我们不可能在竞选中取得如此出色的成绩 & Co.”

Dixie Boston | House Corporation Special Projects Chair

Pi Beta Phi - Vanderbilt University

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